segunda-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2017


Visando aprimorar a minha forma de aprendizado para não cometer os mesmos erros no próximo semestre, decidi fazer uma pesquisa no campo da neurociência para descobrir como o cérebro absorve e mantém as informações que são adquiridas por meio dos sentidos. 

Para isso, busquei por materiais audiovisuais e bibliográficos que me ajudassem nesta empreitada. Encontrei uma série de palestras do The Great Courses que foram extremamente informativas. Além disso, também li o livro Aprendendo Inteligência, do Pierluigi Piazzi. Uma leitura leve, mas a maioria das informações que o autor levanta já era do meu conhecimento. (Recomendado para jovens cursando o ensino fundamental/médio.)

Os vídeos das palestras podem ser comprados no site The Great Courses ou encontrados na internet. O livro Aprendendo Inteligência está disponível aqui.

Scientific Secrets for a Powerful Memory (Course No. 1965)
Professor Peter M. Vishton, Ph.D.
The College of William & Mary

What was the name of your first pet? Where did you put your house keys? How do you get to work every morning? Most likely, you didn't need to look up the answers to these questions. You remembered them. Memory is, without a doubt, the most powerful (and practical) tool of everyday life. By linking both your past and your future, memory gives you the power to plan, to reason, to perceive, and to understand. As long as thinking and insight are important in how we live our lives, memory will be critical as well. And the better your memory, the more information you'll have at your immediate disposal and the better your thinking will be.

Optimizing Brain Fitness (Course No. 1651)
Professor Richard Restak, M.D.
The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

With its up to 500 trillion synaptic connections, your brain is easily the most powerful machine in the world. These connections are what create your thoughts, what drive your emotions, and what control your behaviors. Even more incredibly: This amazing machine is constantly changing through a process known as brain plasticity. And you can take advantage of this process to improve and enhance your brain's jaw-dropping powers—at any age.

How We Learn (Course No. 1691)
Professor Monisha Pasupathi, Ph.D.
University of Utah

Learning is a lifelong adventure. It starts in your mother's womb, accelerates to high speed in infancy and childhood, and continues through every age, whether you're actively engaged in mastering a new skill, intuitively discovering an unfamiliar place, or just sleeping, which is fundamental to helping you consolidate and hold on to what you've learned. You are truly born to learn around the clock.

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