sábado, 28 de novembro de 2020


Na minha humilde opinião, Processing: Creative Coding and Computational Art é o melhor livro sobre programação criativa e Processing que li até agora. Aborda desde conceitos básicos, passando por Orientação a Objetos, e ainda dá uma pincelada na matemática e na física envolvida em movimentos e interações realizadas pelos elementos. É uma obra que vale à pena ter a versão física para revisitar de vez em quando.

Organizei todos os códigos-fonte e disponibilizei no meu repositório no GitHub, onde realizo uma curadoria sobre Design Generativo.

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"Processing is a didactic that is based on the idea that programming can be learned very easily through the creation of screen art. The main goal is to educate designers and artists. The book in combination with the programming environment also presents an excellent implementation of the concept. I recommend this work for anybody who wants to explore programming in a different way, or for a teacher who wants to get inspired for his or her own programming class." (Gerald Friedland, ACM Computing Reviews, October, 2008)

"The book is intended as an introduction to programming for designers and artists using the Processing language and environment, a language designed ‘by artists for artists’ and available as open source. It contains 13 chapters, and begins with a relatively gentle introduction to Processing. It continues with chapters focusing on imaging, animation, and three-dimensional (3D) graphics." (Jeffrey Putnam, ACM Computing Reviews, Vol. 49 (8), August, 2008)

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